Традиционални меморијални шаховски турнир “Обрад Манојловић”, десети у организацији ШК „Херцег Нови 1949“ и породице Манојловић, почео је јутрос у Хотелу Play, у оквиру обиљежавања Дана општине Херцег Нови.
Read more: 10. Меморијални шаховски турнир „Обрад Манојловић“
Донешена Рјешењa о расподјели средстава буџета Општине Херцег Нови за суфинансирање програма у спорту по предлозима Савјета за спорт:
Референт за спорт
тел.централа 321-052, локал 274
Спортски клубови и спортска друштва на територији наше општине
Secretariat for Social Activities and International cooperation:
- development and promotion of culture, artistic creativity, cultural events; librarianship, cultural-artistic amateurism; realizing all forms of cooperation and protection in the field of culture; realizing all aspects of cooperation in the field of culture, the methods and measures of achieving the public interest, keeping the register of cultural monuments, performing protection and preservation of features that have no capacity of monuments, monitoring the work of legacies and foundations, oversees public institutions in the field of culture;
- cooperating with all religious communities, keeps records of sacred objects;
- preparation of reports to the Assembly and other organs in this area;
- creating conditions for the development and promotion of sports for children, youth and citizens, encouraging sports activities as well as development of inter-municipality sports cooperation, encouraging and supporting school sports associations by creating organizational, spatial, financial, technical and other conditions for their work; organizing the sporting events of public interest and activities related to the organization of public institutions in this area from the jurisdiction of the local administration and performing administrative supervision over their work; participation in providing conditions for the implementation of extra-curricular sports activities; aiding and incitement of the sporting clubs by creating organizational, physical and other working conditions; ensuring the provision of funding for school sports activities, encouraging actions of sports federations; participation in arranging and providing conditions for the construction, maintenance and usage of sports facilities of significance to the Municipality cooperation with all non-governmental organizations in the field of sport;
- keeps the register of NGOs, makes decisions about the allocation of fund;
- monitoring the state in the area of education, scholarships, categorization of children with special needs, performing administrative and other professional and administrative duties related to the orientation of children with special needs in appropriate educational programs in accordance with the law, the appointment and provision of working conditions for the Commission for guidance of children with special needs;
- monitoring and participation in providing conditions for the development and promotion of primary health care by initiation, planning and proposing measures in this field, which are of direct interest for the local population; performing tasks related to proposing the members of the management bodies of health institutions founded by the Municipality; taking action under its authority to improve primary health care; organization and implementation of protective measures in the case of infectious diseases;
- preparation of regulations and other acts related to social and children welfare in accordance with the national strategy: home care and home assistance to elderly and disabled persons; ensuring the enforcement of their rights in this area; keeping the procedure for resolving housing issues for those in need; monitoring the proper use of apartments allocated to people in need, making the decisions on the termination of those rights and legal action for eviction; starting proceedings for exercising the right to one-time financial assistance and help in the house; taking care of the realization of child protection related to vacation and recreation, accommodation and meals for children, and other additional forms of child care, as prescribed by the Municipality;
- Monitoring the situation in the field of public information and exercising the public interest in this area; monitoring the development and promotion of the media, particularly the electronic media, or local public broadcasters and ensuring the priorities of investments in the domain of public information;
- keeping registers of marriages, issuing the certificates, marriages; operations of transcripts, signatures and writings verification; keeping and updating the voters register; administrative and technical activities for the elections, referendums and voluntary contributions;
- addressing issues of war veterans' and disabled persons care and protection of war invalids and keeping record of the number of users and type of these rights; decision making in the proceedings for recognizing the rights in the field of veterans care and protection of civil war invalids and keeping records of the number of users and type of these rights; managing the process of issuing employment booklets and entering the qualifications;
Расподјеле средстава Буџета Општине Херцег Нови невладиним организацијама по предлогу Комисије – по пријавама пристиглим на конкурс:
Одлука о критеријумима, начину и поступку расподјеле средстава невладиним организацијама
("Сл. лист ЦГ - општински прописи", бр. 003/24 од 11.01.2024 )
Регистар невладиних организација на територији Општине Херцег Нови (сајт Министaрства јавне управе, дигиталног друштва и медија Владе Црне Горе)
Референти за односе са НВО
тел: 031/321-052
Поштовани посјетиоци,
на овој страници можете прегледати пројекте Општине Херцег Нови као партнера на ЕУ пројектима.
Сви подаци су представљени у формату "pdf".
Procurement of specialized equipment (Flood&Fire) - Набавка специјализоване опреме за заштиту од поплава и пожара u okviru projekta "Flood&Fire", 31.10.2022
Јавни позив за набавку специјализоване опреме у оквиру пројекта "Flood&Fire"