Dear visitors,

In order needs to be in one place gives information about the actions of the local administration and the necessary documentation to be provided depending on the submitted application, the local administration of the Municipality of Herceg-Novi Guide issued through procedures at the local administration of the Municipality of Herceg-Novi.

Guide to the procedures at the local administration of the Municipality of Herceg-Novi (.pdf, 826Kb) (.pdf,)

Dear visitors,

Access to information held by public authorities is based on the principles of free access to information, transparency in the work of the authorities, the public's right to know, and gender equality and exercised at the level of standards contained in the ratified international treaties on human rights and freedoms and generally accepted rules of international rights. (Article 2 of the Law on Free Access to Information,  44/12 of 08/09/2012.)

Guidelines for access to information held by the local government of the Municipality of Herceg-Novi, determine the type of information, as well as public registers and public records, the procedure for access to information, the costs of the proceedings, the authority and the persons responsible for compliance with the request, the method of publication of guides and other issues of importance for access to information under the jurisdiction of the local administration in accordance with law.

Поштовани посјетиоци,

на овој страници можете погледати Информације којима је по захтјеву, по Закону о слободном приступу информацијама, приступ одобрен или неодобрен. Ради прегледности поређани су хронолошки по годинама. Све информације су у pdf. формату.

In May 2006 started operating Civile office in order to enable citizens to have quick and efficient service. All departments and authorities have professional and trained rapresentatives in this Office. Citizens do not have to ask the relevan officers in their offices. It’s all in one place- in a functional space,  the ground floor of local government, in the Civile Office. Here citizens submit their request and get informations about everything that concerns them regarding the operation of local government.
In the Office you can make complains or suggestions on the work of administration, in a box intended for this, or electronically, using the service Your opinion is important to us. Civile Office works as part of the Join Services and Information Systems.

Tel. 321 052
E-address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
